2012年11月27日 星期二

Perfectly powerful and perfectly good God

I posted on my Facebook page the article on "An Imperfect God" by Yoram Hazony

I do not intend at all to offend believers in any religion, not Christianity, Buddhism and others. Please accept my apology if the effect turns out to be the opposite. Human understanding should reach the conclusion that a perfectly powerful as well as perfectly good God would ensure that there are no outright tragedies, disasters, injustice, and similar events on earth. Those things, in blatant forms, occur randomly and regularly.

So either God does not love us (including believers and/or non-believers) perfectly, and therefore requires a test of faith; or He is not perfectly powerful, i.e. He truly protects us all, yet there are things that even go beyond His power.

I know, God may well be outside the reach of human understanding and logic. He may still be perfectly powerful and perfectly good. Human beings are a subset of His Almighty’s attention, perhaps a very minute one in this wonderful cosmos. In any case, should believers on this small planet only rest on their faith? And pronounce as if they represented, however imperfectly, Him?


